1. 収集する利用者情報及び収集方法
- ・氏名
- ・メールアドレス
- ・生年月日
- ・写真
- ・その他当社が定める入力フォームにユーザーが入力する情報
- ・当該外部サービスでユーザーが利用するID
- ・その他当該外部サービスのプライバシー設定によりユーザーが連携先に開示を認めた情報
2. 利用目的
2-1 利用者情報は、2-2に定めるとおり本サービスの提供のために利用されるほか、2-3に定めるとおり、その他の目的にも利用される場合があります。
2-2 本サービスのサービス提供にかかわる利用者情報の具体的な利用目的は以下のとおりです。
- (1)本サービスに関する登録の受付、本人確認等本サービスの提供、維持、保護及び改善のため
- (2)本サービスに関するご案内、お問い合わせ等への対応のため
- (3)本サービスに関する当社の規約、ポリシー等(以下「規約等」といいます。)に違反する行為に対する対応のため
- (4)本サービスに関する規約等の変更などを通知するため
- (5)上記の利用目的に付随する利用目的のため
2-3 上記2-2以外の利用目的は以下のとおりです。
- (1)当社のサービスに関連して、個人を識別できない形式に加工した統計データを作成するため
- (2)当社又は第三者の広告の配信又は表示のため
- (3)その他マーケティングに利用するため
【対応する利用者情報の項目】氏名 / メールアドレス / 生年月日 / その他当社が定める入力フォームにユーザーが入力する情報
3. 通知・公表または同意取得の方法、利用中止要請の方法
4. 第三者提供
- (1)当社が利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合
- (2)合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って個人情報が提供される場合
- (3)国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、ユーザーの同意を得ることによって当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
- (4)その他、個人情報保護法その他の法令で認められる場合
5. 個人情報の開示
6. 個人情報の訂正及び利用停止等
6-1 当社は、ユーザーから、(1)個人情報が真実でないという理由によって個人情報保護法の定めに基づきその内容の訂正を求められた場合、及び(2)あらかじめ公表された利用目的の範囲を超えて取り扱われているという理由又は偽りその他不正の手段により収集されたものであるという理由により、個人情報保護法の定めに基づきその利用の停止を求められた場合には、ユーザーご本人からのご請求であることを確認の上で遅滞なく必要な調査を行い、その結果に基づき、個人情報の内容の訂正または利用停止を行い、その旨をユーザーに通知します。なお、合理的な理由に基づいて訂正または利用停止を行わない旨の決定をしたときは、ユーザーに対しその旨を通知いたします。
6-2 当社は、ユーザーから、ユーザーの個人情報について消去を求められた場合、当社が当該請求に応じる必要があると判断した場合は、ユーザーご本人からのご請求であることを確認の上で、個人情報の消去を行い、その旨をユーザーに通知します。
6-3 個人情報保護法その他の法令により、当社が訂正等または利用停止等の義務を負わない場合は、前2項の規定は適用されません。
6-4 当社は、ユーザーが本サービスを利用した取引を終了した場合、当該取引に関する利用者情報の一部又は全部を遅滞なく削除する場合があるものとします。
7. お問い合わせ窓口
住所:〒151-0066 東京都渋谷区西原2-45-9
Email: support@personal-teacher.jp
8. プライバシーポリシーの変更手続
[2018年7月1日 制定]
The following Privacy Policy (hereafter referred to as “the Policy”) concerns the handling of personal information, including the Personal Information of Registered Users (hereafter referred to as “User”), by the company S2S Inc. (hereafter referred to as “the Company”) at providing the service (hereafter referred to as “the Service).
1. Collected Personal Information and its Collection Method
In this Policy, "Personal Information" refers to information pertaining to the identification of Registered Users, which the Company collects according to this Policy. The Personal Information collected by the Company is as follows, in accordance with the collection method:
(1) Information provided by Users
- ・Name
- ・Email address
- ・Birthday
- ・Photo
- ・Other information input by the user in the form provided by the Company
(2) In case the User, while using the Service, allows the Company to cooperate with other external services, such as social networks, the following information is gathered from the external service, based on the content agreed at the time of the permission:
- ・ID defined by the User in the external service
- ・Other information that users disclose to the external service due to the privacy settings of said external service
2. Purpose of Use
2-1 Personal information is used for providing the Service as specified in section 2-2, other than that it may also be used for other purposes as specified in section 2-3.
2-2 Specific usage purposes of user information related to the provision of this service are as follows:
- (1)For providing, maintaining, protecting and improving this service; including accepting registrations, identity verification etc.
- (2)To respond to inquiries or give guidance etc. regarding this service;
- (3)To respond to acts in violation of the Company's terms and policies relating to this service (hereafter referred to as "the Terms, etc.");
- (4)In order to notify about changes to the Terms etc. of the Service;
- (5)For additional purposes of use that are related to the purposes of use above.
2-3 The purpose of use other than 2-2 above is as follows:
- (1)The generation of statistical data related to the Service, processed into an unidentifiable form;
- (2)The distribution or display of advertisements of our company or third parties;
- (3) Other marketing purposes that use the corresponding user information items: Name / Email Address / Date of Birth / Other Information that the user inputs on the input form specified by the Company
3. Notification · Method of Publication or Acquisition of Consent; Method of Request for Suspension
By making the specific settings to the Service, the User can request the full or partial suspension of the use of user information. In this case, the Company will promptly suspend its use according to the Company’s terms. However, depending on the item of user information, its collection may be premise for the use of the Service. As a result, the collection of such information will only be suspended in case the User leaves the service by a method specified by the company.
4. Third-Party Provision
We will not disclose Personal Information to third parties without prior consent from the User, except for cases where the disclosure of personal information is permitted based on the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations of personal information. Additionally, the company may disclose personal information in the following cases:
- (1)When the Company consigns all or part of the handling of personal information within the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of use
- (2)When Personal Information is shared as a result of business succession due to merger or other reasons
- (3)In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with a national, local or public entity in carrying out the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and there is a risk of interfering with said works in case the consent of the user is given
- (4)Other cases where it is permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations
5. Disclosure of Personal Information
In case the User requests personal information to be disclosed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, we will immediately disclose it to the User after confirming the authenticity of the request (there will be a notification if such information is not available within the Company’s records). However, if the Company is not obligated to disclose the information based on the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations, the information will not be disclosed to the User. The Company asks Users to acknowledge the fact a fee of 1000 yen per case of disclosure of Personal Information is being charged.
6. Correction of Personal Information and Suspension of Use
6-1 In case the User requests (1) the correction of Personal Information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law based on the fact that the personal information is not correct, or (2) the suspension of the use of Personal Information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law based on the fact that said information is used for more than the previously described purpose of use or the information has been collected through improper means, the Company will immediately start necessary investigations after confirming the authenticity of the User’s request, as well as correct or suspend the use of said Personal Information and notify the User of the result. In case the Company decides not to correct or suspend the use of this Personal Information based on an appropriate reason, the User will be notified of this decision.
6-2 In case the User requests the deletion of their Personal Information, the Company will, after confirming the authenticity of this request, as well as assessing the obligation to conform with the request, delete said Personal Information and notify the User of the result.
6-3 The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not apply in cases where the Company is not obliged to correct, etc., suspend the use, etc. according to the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.
6-4 In the event that the User terminates transactions while using this service, we may delete some or all of the User information concerning such transaction with immediate effect.
7. Inquiries
For inquiries with opinions, questions, complaints or inquiries regarding the handling of user information, please contact the following address:
Address: 2-45-9 Nishihara Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0066
S2S Inc.
Email: support@personal-teacher.jp
8. Privacy Policy Change Procedure
The Company will continuously review the operation status regarding the handling of user information and make continuous efforts to improve and change the Policy if deemed necessary. In the case of a change being made, Users will be notified on the company website. In case a change in content requires the legal consent from Users, the User’s consent will be obtained in a manner specified by the Company.
[Established on July 26, 2018]